Construction Projects

May 21, 2024

Engineer’s Report

Projects Under Construction

Levee Repairs at 1603 Savannah

Project includes removing a large tree which is dying located at the toe of the existing levee, back-filling and repairing the levee, as necessary, and installation of swing gates to facilitate maintenance.

Project consists of the following scope:

  • Bee Hive Removal & Relocation
  • Tree, Retaining Wall Removal and Levee Reconstruction
  • Gate and Fence Installation

Fence and gate installation contracts have been signed and project  commenced in May 2024.

Rehabilitation of Chemical Feed System at Surface Water Plant

Project includes modifications and rehabilitation of the chemical feed system at the surface water plant to increase efficiency and due to components reaching design life.

Engineer reported that the contract is approximately 70% complete and that the Contractor is waiting on delivery of additional equipment for installation.  Board approved Change Order No. 1 which extended the contract days by 90 days to a completion date of 8/26/24.  Extension due to material delivery delays.

Wastewater Treatment Electrical Improvements & Generator Replacement

Project includes update of the control panel and related electrical system at the wastewater treatment plant as well as replacement of the existing generator.

Contractor has completed preliminary site work.  Generator delivery anticipated in July 2024.

South Pump Station Generator

Project includes replacement of existing diesel generator at the South Pump Station. Contractor has completed preliminary site work.  Generator delivery anticipated in August 2024.

Elevated Storage Tank and Surface Water Plant Recoating

Project includes recoating of elevated storage tank and components of the surface water treatment plant.  Recoating of the elevated storage tank will include the Pecan Grove graphic on both the north and south facing sides. Contractor expected to mobilize in June 2024.

Storm Sewer Outfall Rehabilitation

Project includes repair and/or replacement of many storm sewer outfalls throughout the District based on inspections. Contractor has mobilized and commenced construction activity.

Programming Updates for the Surface Water Treatment Plant

Project includes upgrading the automation and computer components of the plant, including all necessary programming. Contracts are currently with Ace Controls for execution.

Projects Under Design

South Pump Station Headwall Modification and Redundant Closure Devices

Project includes modification of headwall structure for the South Stormwater pump station to allow for the design and installation of back up closure devices. Design Paid for out of Bond Issue No. 18 and construction to be funded by a future bond issue. Project is nearing final approval.

North Pump Station Redundant Closure Devices

Project includes design and installation of back up closure devices at the North Pump Station. Design Paid for out of Bond Issue No. 18 and construction to be funded by a future bond issue. Project is nearing final approval.

Belt Press Upgrades at Surface Water Treatment Plant

Project includes upgrading the belt press at the surface water treatment plant to allow for consistent operation and reduce the overall run time of the process.

Engineer presented the bids that were opened on May 17, 2024.  The low bidder is Sustanite Support Services with a bid of $761,000.  Engineer explained the adjustment in the project scope to include a new control center for the belt press.  Board awarded the contract to Sustanite Support Services.

Arc Flash Study – Phase Two

Project includes studying electrical control panels for District facilities to ensure compliance with updated regulations. Study is complete.  Engineer reported that all recommendations presented in the report are minor and estimates will be prepared in connection with the Budget Workshop.

Waterline Rehabilitation – Phase Two

Project includes replacement of aging waterline infrastructure within Plantation, Section One with additional location of Mayweather Lane between Plantation Drive and Morton League Road. Project to be paid out of bond funds. Topographic survey is complete and design has commenced.

Additional Engineering Items

Surface Water Treatment Plant Membrane

Membrane skid was installed and is operational.  The Engineer reported that this represents one-third of the membrane skids at the surface water treatment plant.  Additionally, Engineer presented an invoice from Aria Filter Membrane in the amount of $216,056.47 for membrane skid.  Board authorized payment to Aria Filter Membrane.

May 2024 High River Elevation Event

Engineer reported how the District fared during the May 2024 River Event.  The Brazos River crested at river gauge 45.7 on May 12, 2024.  This placed the District at Readiness Level 3, which increased monitoring and inspections of all District drainage facilities, including continuous inspection of the levee.  No major issues were observed or reported during the event.



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